MATIC 275 Canola Oil 149 KAbuli x 2 104 moong 48 haldi 30
Animal/Tree | Sells for | Tips to get more Jade |
Java Pony | 7500 Jade | Not recommended to sell this item. Unless you have a lot of them somehow.
Even their foals don’t grow into same adult in the Nursery.
Red Arowana | 2500 Jade | Once you get one, you can breed more of them in the Aquaria and then sell off the babies for some Jade. |
Kiang | 4750 Jade | Not recommended to sell this item. Unless you have a lot of them somehow.
Even their foals don’t grow into same adult in the Nursery.
Dairy Cow | 12500 Jade | Highly Recommended as their Calves grow into the same adult in the nursery and hence you can multi-breed them, make more of them and sell them for some good amount of Jade coins.Keep watching the feed for their calves. |
Water Dragon | 25000 Jade | Another recommended animal! Which Can be found in rare Aquaria Babies from the feed. Get them, breed them in the pens, and when you get their extra babies, you can sell them for a cool 25000 Jade each Dragon. |
Red Panda | 22500 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
Jade Falls Golden Pheasant | 2250 Jade | Can be found in common aviary eggs from the feed, and hence can be a good source of Jade too if you are looking for more alternates. |
Ringed Seal | 7500 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
Dugong | 15000 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
![]() Purple Dugong | 4000 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
![]() Oarfish | 3000 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
![]() Master Panda | 7500 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
![]() Yin Yang Sheep | 5000 Jade | Though these give good Jade, they can only be breed on own farm and not found in feed babies. But if you have one of them, you can breed them too and sell of the extra ones for good Jade. |
Asian White Birch Tree | 2750 Jade | Not recommended to sell this item. (Level 1 Tree) |
White Mulberry Tree | 250 Jade | Not recommended to sell this item. (Level 1 Tree) |
Chinese Rain Tree | 1250 Jade |
Giant Dragon Boat Tree | 1250 Jade | This is the good item to collect alot of jade for free if you are a tree breeder, you can make plenty of these trees (level 2 tree) and sell the extra ones for the jade coins. If you don't have this tree try to catch them from your news feed or ask your neighbors to send you one. |
![]() Giant Sachet Tree | 1500 Jade | This is the good item to collect alot of jade for free if you are a tree breeder, you can make plenty of these trees (level 2 tree) and sell the extra ones for the jade coins. If you don't have this tree try to catch them from your news feed or ask your neighbors to send you one. |