Switch Gears for Summer Quests Guide !

Expected duration of the quests is from 10th May, 2012 till 24th May, 2012
Note: Quest can be carried out on all farms, are repeatable, and don’t have any request links. Requirements can change at any time without notice as and how Zynga updates them.  Images will only show up when they are available in the game files.

Quest Story:  Remember Rispoli? The guy whom we met in Winter wonderland, trying to have some fun in the snow? Well, he’s had enough snowboarding all winter long, and now needs to prepare himself for the summer ahead but does not have the proper clothing to do so. Help him get set for the summer in his own unique style.

Quest IconThe Shammy ShimmyItem to AskReward
1. Get 4 Shammies
2. Harvest 25 Grapes (1 Day)
3. Harvest 25 Strawberry
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: Frozen Grapes (1 Day), White Grapes (12 Hrs), Super Grapes (1 Day), Zinfandel (1 Day) & Chardonnay (10 Hrs). Super Strawberry (4 Hrs) and Red Iceberries (8 Hrs) for Strawberries.ShammiesSalesman Mongoose

Quest IconSkew and BBQItem to AskReward
1. Get 6 Veggie Skewers
2. Harvest 75 Vegetables
3. Harvest Salesman Mongoose Twice
Quest Tips:Taro (Hawaii Farm - 4 Hrs) are easy to get the vegetables done. Harvest the Mongoose in the Zoo.Veggie SkewersMunchin' Marten

Quest IconLounge ActItem to AskReward
1. Get 8 Patio Furniture
2. Harvest 100 Soybeans (1 Day)
3. Harvest the Munchin' Marten Twice
Quest Tips:No Crop Alternatives. Harvest the Munchin’ Marten in the Habitat Pen.Patio Furniture3x Unwither

Quest IconShorts WeatherItem to AskReward
1. Get 9 Cargo Shorts
2. Harvest 75 Peanuts (16 Hrs)
3. Harvest 75 Fruit
Quest Tips:Super Peanuts (16 Hrs) will also work. For Fruits, harvest Raspberry (2 Hrs) or any of the 4 hr Strawberries.Cargo ShortsSummer Alligator

Quest IconSun BlockerItem to AskReward
1. Get 9 Sun Hats
2. Harvest 150 Sunflowers (1 Day)
3. Master Salesman Mongoose 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Quest Tips:No Crop Alternatives. Harvest the Mongoose in the Zoo.Sun HatsSlip and Slide

Quest IconHot FootItem to AskReward
1. Get 9 All Terrain Shoes
2. Harvest 150 Wheat (12 Hrs)
3. Harvest the Pet Run Twice
Quest Tips:Red Wheat (3 Days) will also work.All Terrain ShoesBook of XP

Quest IconRispoli's RideItem to AskReward
1. Get 10 Sponges
2. Harvest 150 Bell Pepper (2 Days)
3. Master Munchin' Marten 1 Star (5 harvests)
Quest Tips:No Crop alternatives. Harvest the Munchin’ Marten in the Habitat Pen.SpongesCar Wash Otter

Quest IconShinny and NewItem to AskReward
1. Get 11 Cans of Car Wax
2. Harvest 150 Grain
3. Harvest the Livestock Pen Twice
Quest Tips:You can harvest Oats (8 Hrs) for the grains.Cans of Car Wax3 Pack of Turbos

Quest IconFuzzy Dice!Item to AskReward
1. Get 12 Fuzzy Dice
2. Harvest 200 Cranberry (10 Hrs)
3. Master the Summer Gator to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: Super Cranberries (10 Hrs) and Cove Cranberries (1 Day) will also work. Harvest the Gator in the Zoo.Fuzzy DiceRispoli's Ride

Farm May Fair Quest
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